[MLB-WIRELESS] Topographical/Radio maps

Andrew Wagstaf auswireless at hotmail.com
Tue May 18 13:26:11 EST 2004

I have found a program called Radio Mobile 
(http://www.cplus.org/rmw/english1.html). This program when you get the data 
for your area, allows you to draw topographic maps. It also allows you to 
put radio networks in.

A picture of the area the data covers is available here:

The data is available here: 

I used the .DEM file and used then the GTOP030 selection in the program

The data seems to be missing some areas to the west of Melbourne and some of 
the Mornington Peninsula.

I have made some pictures, they are for Melbourne and the surrounding 50km, 
they are 2000 by 2000 pixels.




Andrew Wagstaff

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