Jason Hecker jhecker at wireless.org.au
Fri Jun 4 08:11:09 EST 2004

What's the switch part?  Some (such as ones from Micrel) let you 
configure the switch engine through a little synchronous serial port on 
the switch - such as setting up VLANs and blocking connections from one 
port to the others.

Then, as you say, there need only be one eth port on the CPU which 
relies on VLAN tags to differentiate the red interface from the green 
ones.  Saves on parts.

> As it is, all of the ethernet ports are physically connected to the one
> switch - only some VLAN trickery in the drivers makes the WAN interface look
> separate. So while it might take some major reworking of network code and
> the web interface, it's definitely possible.

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