[MLB-WIRELESS] Cheap(?) 15mtr Telescopic masts

Dave Mulz damulz101 at yahoo.com.au
Wed Dec 1 21:29:08 EST 2004

I'll take one of these!!

Jason Clarke <melbwireless at clarkey.id.au> wrote:Howdy's,

The RRP on these things is approx $300 ($306 if my leaky bucket/brain 
recalls).. From Hills..

I may be able to get a bulk load of these for approx $100 each.

I'm yet to confirm the makeup of these masts but I believe they contain the 

15mtr mast

I should have more information shortly.

However I don't want to wade into this if there is zero interest :-) So, 
people who are interested in this, please let me know (off-list probably 

Jason Clarke

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