[MLB-WIRELESS] OT: RF emissions of Grandstream Budgetone 102 VoIP phones.

Jason Hecker jhecker at wireless.org.au
Wed Dec 1 11:26:46 EST 2004

> RS Components (www.rsaustralia.com) in Port Melbourne can sell you such 
> a ferrite.  Two turns of the cat 5 through part number 222-4365 as close 
> as possible to the eth port should help things a good bit.  Two turns 
> through part 260-6492 should do too.

DSE parts R5124, R5122 and R5120 should do the job as well and are a bit 
cheaper and easier to get than from RS.  They attenuate at 25MHz as well 
so will affect 100Mbit ethernet.  Use a core that has a hole diamater to 
comfortably fit up to 2-3 turns of cat5 and try to find a compromise 
between radio noise suppression and the ethernet still working.

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