[MLB-WIRELESS] more new edens

Tyson Clugg tyson at wireless.org.au
Thu Sep 4 09:04:52 EST 2003

Jamie Moir <jmoir at jmcs.net.au> wrote:
> http://www.mini-itx.com/#story0233
> Looks like what I want. Im seriously going to have to consider a bulk buy
> on these when they become available.

Regarding using a Via Eden in a vehicle, the M-6000 in a Cubid 2688A case
*doesn't* work for me without additional voltage protection circuitry.  I've
found that http://www.mini-box.com/ has some good info on getting them to
work, and will soon have a 12V DC-DC PSU suitable for vehicle use.  They
also have other (cheaper) 12V ATX PSUs as well.

Worthy of mention from http://www.mini-itx.com/hardware.asp#hardware0050 is
Many sporadic issues with Cubid 26xx cases and EPIA motherboards can be
solved by grounding the motherboard to the case. Problems can manifest
themselves as strange LAN behaviour and booting problems, and seem to occur
more often with EPIA M boards. The fix is simple and painless, achievable
with just a piece of wire and a screwdriver. Make sure your computer is
unplugged from the mains when you do this.
1) Cut a 15cm piece of wire
2) Wind wire round the motherboard screw nearest the PS2 connector, then
re-tighten the screw
3) Wind the other end round the screw that attaches the Slimline CD bay to
the case, then re-tighten


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