[MLB-WIRELESS] What you are using wireless network for.

Jonny Oenning jonny.oenning at exactosoftware.com
Mon Sep 1 12:33:50 EST 2003

Hi guys,

I joined today this mail list and the group.
I've recently installed g wireless with a netgear router and a wireless card
on my laptop.

I've been recommended to this group by a friend, he also told me that I
should be able to access the internet from anywhere in Melbourne (as long as
there is appropriate reception/antennae where I am and my home adsl
connection -> route my laptop connection through the network to my home,
then use my adsl to go from there)...).
Is this really possible? what do I need in order to achieve that? (get an
antennae and establish a connection with the neareast node around here -
western suburbs (deer park))?


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