[MLB-WIRELESS] DWL-650 question.

vk3jma at net2000.com.au vk3jma at net2000.com.au
Tue Oct 28 09:58:06 EST 2003

Quoting Ryan Abbenhuys <sneeze at alphalink.com.au>:

> In ad-hoc mode when there isn't a connection established you will see the
> remote cards MAC address constantly change with each beacon.  Once there is
> a connection from another card the MAC stops rolling.
> I've never really looked into why this is, but it's normal with all cards
> in Ad-Hoc mode.
> ps...dlink ewwwwww

Thanks Ryan,  that answers that question.

You dont happen to know of some decent software for monitoring,  I am having 
trouble with linux reconising my dlink card??? so I can not yet use kismet.

Something windows based would be good for now.

Also,  I have a minitar PCI wirelass card that works very well in win98se.  I 
understand this has the RT2460 (??) chipset, does this work with Kismet? as 
getting linux working on a PC as opposed to my laptop is an easier task.



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