[MLB-WIRELESS] Hey *waves*

Mike MacCana mikem at cyber.com.au
Thu Nov 6 13:46:02 EST 2003

Hey folks,

I've just joined the list so I thought I might introduce myself. My
name's Mike, I run Red Hat / Fedora Linux and work as a freelance IT
journalist for various Australian computer mags, and train for Red Hat
Asia Pacific when I'm not doing that. I've been pretty active in Linux
Users of Victoria for a while now too.

My laptop's a Dell Inspiron 8500. I use it for Evolution, OpenOffice,
talking to my iPod, Xchat, getting pics of the camera on my phone,
blogging with Movabletype, and Unreal Tournament 2003. 

Historically my wireless access has been via Bluetooth / GPRS to my
SonyEricsson T610, but I set up my wireless card (a Dell Truemobile
1400) yesterday using the new Linuxant driverloader yesterday.

For those of you who don't know about the driverloader, its a pretty
nifty piece of software, as it allows most Windows NDIS drivers to work
under Linux - so Centrino and Broadcom cards now work fine.

Anyway, I've now got my card up and happening and I'm keen to play
around with wireless.

So, um, hey :^)


Mike MacCana	    Freelance Journalist       RHCX, LPI, MCSE, MCP+I
Level 4, 10 Queen St, Melbourne.  Ph : 03 9621 2377 Fax: 03 9621 2477

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