[MLB-WIRELESS] 802.11g linux compatible cards.

Cameron McCormack clm at csse.monash.edu.au
Tue May 6 19:35:20 EST 2003

Jason Leigh Lade:
> Do you mind me asking what did you pay for them?

US$95, the price that's on the web.

> Also I spoke to the manufacturer today, they have two versions one is
> 200mW output the other is 100mW output. Is it o.k to get the 200mW for
> use in Australia. I do see that the cards have different channels for
> different countries.

Hmm, I didn't even think of the different-countries-have-different-channels
deal.  Do the US have the same channels as here?


Cameron McCormack
  // clm at csse.monash.edu.au
  // http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~clm/
  // icq 26955922

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