[MLB-WIRELESS] [TIB] A new offer has been added to TIB - 18/0 3/2003

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Wed Mar 19 07:53:50 EST 2003

> IMHO, where retailers are involved, they should become a Melbourne
> Wireless discounter, so we can flash MW cards around and get stuff
> cheap, and they can get their publicity ;) I don't think TIB should
> become a mere sales tool for retailers..

I agree totally.  Certainly, if a retailer wants to offer a product at
discount to MW members (on receipt of card, mention of offer, whatever), I'd
be more than happy for them to advertise in TIB.  Sounds like a fair price
to pay for the directed advertising. :)

If I was a retailer, I'd be more than happy to advertise under those terms.
Being on the favourites list of your target markets is good for business.

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