[MLB-WIRELESS] BabyGoil? anyone know BabyGoil?

Brandon Alexander McLean 215835 at bud.cc.swin.edu.au
Thu Jun 12 10:07:34 EST 2003

i put together a cantenna last night and picked up an extra wireless network 
with the SSID of BabyGoil?

i have a feeling it could be someone's private network though since has WEP 

another question for anyone with a SVEC AP i assume that doing the get/refresh 
in the known BSS's  option is how you search for other wireless connections. 
this only works in access point operation mode...

im new to all this so if im being stupid please tell me..

also i havent been able to make a solid connection ie i cant link to a node i 
try to and it times out...

oh and does anyone know who owns junction as well?


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