[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: DLink 900+ SMA- N coneector and 200mw access piont

mrviper at softhome.net mrviper at softhome.net
Wed Jun 11 15:42:59 EST 2003

Im Excited :) will the 200mw access pionts have Detachable antennas?
Thanks - Ryan
Jamie Moir writes: 

> On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 mrviper at softhome.net wrote: 
>> Yeah i already have a pigtail but the Dlink is so weak every DB i can save
>> is a bonus i mean comon 38mw what a joke the old 900 with a hack was like
>> 100mw or something. Amps are way to expensive
>> Can that 200mw Verteich or something like that act as an access piont?
> People buy those veritechs off me to use with HostAP under linux, Im also
> bringing a new range of 200mW access points and ethernet clients out soon. 
> Cya, 
> Jamie 

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