[MLB-WIRELESS] Silicon Chip revisited (magnetron emitters as 802.11b/g antennas)

Ben Ryan ben at bssc.edu.au
Thu Jul 31 21:20:31 EST 2003

> Phwoar, not only does the mag show you how to build a slotted waveguide and
> a weatherproof "ant cap" bipolar, it also guts a microwave oven and goes
> thru a process of explaining how the magnetron works. The radio waves feed
> into the microwave via a small waveguide antenna.
> Anyone game enought to pull an old microwave apart and see how the antenna
> fits together? Then see if it will work with 802.11b? May be a cheap source
> of antennas?
> - Barry

narr they're not worth mucking with. they're just an inefficient stubby antenna,
I never bothered to measure one.. umm just did - it's just a 1/4 wave bit of tubing
(29mm odd in length) and bout 14mm in dia sticking out one end of the magnetron.
I'm no expert but I don't reckon a dirty great 600-1200watt magnetron would care
much about VSWR or impedance matching ;)
so yeah no joy there for antennas. But, they're fun enough to muck
about with - in Bendigo, we can play with HERF in the backyard and nobody
worries too much, except yer mates when you wave a fluoro tube in front of a
live magnetron - and it GLOWS ;)


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