Grant McHerron grant at taoceti.com.au
Wed Jul 9 13:04:27 EST 2003


At 01:35 PM 9/07/03, Jamie Lovick wrote:
 >Another thing to remember about "unlimited" xDSL services is that they
 >have very high contention ratios, possibly of 100:1 or more. This means
 >that you'll never really get the full benifit of the link, compared to a
 >straight tail.

Definitely true - a couple of my friends took up the TPG "All You Can Eat" 
offer and have found that they're getting only about 10k per second, not 
the 24k that I'm getting over at Internode. Ooops....

That and TPG have raised the rate from $80 per month to $100 for that 
service... Oh well :)



Grant McHerron
Tao Ceti Pty Ltd

Level 1, 530 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Ph: +61 3 9909 7067             Fax: +61 3 9228 3257
http://www.taoceti.com.au       grant at taoceti.com.au

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