[MLB-WIRELESS] [Fwd: D-Link DWL-900AP+ Security Hole]

Rowan Crowe rowan at sensation.net.au
Sat Jan 18 01:48:49 EST 2003

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Andrew Griffiths wrote:

> Lotta people seem to be using these, so it may be of interest to those, 
> funnily enough. Or those that want te be mischevious. (or however you 
> spell it.)

Hmm... it's not clear from this text, or other discussion on this issue
whether it's possible to indiscriminately flash a 900AP+ *via wireless*

Can someone passing by fubar my AP, or does it only work via ether?


Rowan Crowe - Melbourne, Australia
www.camrecord.com  www.camdiscover.com  www.heyasl.com  www.sensationbot.com

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