Rowan Crowe rowan at sensation.net.au
Thu Jan 2 17:04:06 EST 2003

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, John Dalton wrote:

> What happens when the baloon bursts in the wind and the length
> of cable running to it drapes across the power lines outside your
> house?

I keep telling my fiancee that I want to live on a half or one acre block
in the outer fringe suburbs.... now I have a good reason to tell her why!

Personally, I'd be v-e-r-y careful with this, doing it in stages
progressively raising the height over several days so that I get a feel
for how the balloon behaves (and dies), and how the weather affects


Rowan Crowe - Melbourne, Australia
www.camrecord.com  www.camdiscover.com  www.heyasl.com  www.sensationbot.com

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