[MLB-WIRELESS] OT: Tuneable scanner online.

Steven Haigh netwiz at crc.id.au
Tue Dec 23 00:42:18 EST 2003

Basically, there's a radio receiver hooked up to the COM port on my
firewall PC. The line out from the receiver goes to the line in of a
soundcard. This then gets crunched live into an MP3 stream (22Khz
32000bit mono stream). This takes about 30% CPU usage on a P3 450.

This data is then streamed to a shoutcast server at
http://wireless.org.au:8000 - because my home connection can't handle
more than 3 listeners at once (damn optusnet 128kbps upstream!).

The tuning is done via a PHP script interfacing with a program on the
PC. This basically sends commands to the receiver to change frequency

At the moment, I'm just running on a crapping little antenna inside the
house, however when I get some other radio gear up, I intend to put up a
proper discone antenna outside. This will improve reception by more than

If you're interested in more details, then feel free to contact me

On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 20:52, Datec-Aone wrote:
> I'm quite impressed, Nova and VicPol District B tuned in well and very
> clear. I'm on Cable, don't know if that makes a difference but it was a good
> continuous stream.
> So what's the mechanics behind it then.
> Rabbit

Steven Haigh
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