[MLB-WIRELESS] Regional Group Boundaries

Tyson Clugg tyson at wireless.org.au
Tue Dec 16 09:17:41 EST 2003

Ryan Abbenhuys <sneeze at alphalink.com.au> asked:
> If anyone has suggestions for new groups or changes to boundaries please
> let us know.

Chris Samuel <chris at csamuel.org> replied:
> How about pushing the Dandenong Foothills / OEF boundary out past Belgrave
> to include the folks up there ?

Personally, I think because we have limited connection ability across the
Dandenong Ranges ridgeline, that in the long term a new RG should be
defined, RGDandenongRanges or similar.  It makes little sense radio wise to
group nodes from Knox with nodes from Gembrook.  However, in the short term
RGOuterEast should indeed include these areas until a self sustaining RG can
be formed.


PS: Anyone else noticed Melbourne Wireless spreading out from Melbourne?

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