[MLB-WIRELESS] article from the age with pictures - repost.

Michael Weinbergs michael at online-admin.net.au
Thu Sep 19 12:16:13 EST 2002

to: "Yesterday" (with massive apologies to the Beatles)

Yesterdee,  stole a news'y link without apology,
Now the damn things gone an 404'd on me
Oh piccy link.. why have you embarrassed me?

Why'd, it, have to go, I don't know - I told the list
Some-thing had gone wrong, but now my link, is here to stay...

catches me... now the lawyers are on top of me
Is that a rolled-up summons or are you here to play
Oh Copy write
Why did you bankrupt me?

Sorry team - it was quick and nasty :o) and before the flame wars start....
I am sorry I cannot rhyme - I have been in the IT industry for 15 years - 
that's what MP3's are for!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Clarke [mailto:midwaym19 at ozemail.com.au]
Sent: Thursday, 19 September 2002 10:48
To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
Subject: Re: [MLB-WIRELESS] article from the age with pictures - repost.

On the count of three.

Who stole the link from the ar-chive.
Tony stole the link from the ar-chive.
Who me?
Yes you!
Couldn't have been.
Then who stole the link from the ar-chive.
Paul stole the link from the ar-chive.
Who me?
Yes you!

Etc.. :P
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Langdon" <tlangdon at atctraining.com.au>
To: "'Paul van den Bergen'" <paul at serc.rmit.edu.au>;
<melbwireless at wireless.org.au>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] article from the age with pictures - repost.

> > Um... that's a bloody good question... where is the bloody link???
> > *sheesh* I know I put it up, so somewhere in the last month I
> > must have
> > killed it accidently...  allright, give me a few minutes and
> > I will set
> > it up again...
> OK... the Mystery of the Missing Link...  Who Killed the Link?  A new
> Sherlock Holmes novel?;)
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