[MLB-WIRELESS] Connecting nodes/clusters and expanding the mesh via Internet tunnels.

Paul van den Bergen paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
Mon Sep 9 10:53:13 EST 2002

Hi all,

just hold on a second...  maybe I should clarify.  I don't know 
specifics about ADSL modems.  I do know how they work in general terms 
(point to point w/- the exchange then over the backbone network to the 
ISP). I am also familiar with FR and ATM and ISDN/BISDN setups, etc.

none of the answers so far have answered my question.  when an ADSL 
modem is set up it creates a channel (VNC on the ISP's VNP for ATM??) to 
the ISP.  it is still just a connection between two points, the ISP and 
the home user.  the fact that it goes over an ATM or FR network does not 
really matter.  Is there a physical reason I cannot (if telstra is 
cooperative, etc.) set up a connection between my ADSL modem and a 
friends on another exchange, presuming that the appropriate FR or ATM 
channel is established between the two exchanges?  Next question is what 
is required to get telstra to allow such a connection? cost and 
permission?  who do you talk to in telstra to do this?  I am sure this 
service is available because ISDN networks between businesses located on 
different sites work this way, IIRC...

thanks in advance...

wireless at shippen.net wrote:

>Quoting Paul van den Bergen <paul at serc.rmit.edu.au>:
>>I am largely unfamiliar with ADSL modems etc. but I am certainly aware
>>of modem links P2P (aka apana???)  that is another option surely... we
>>have inet over telephones (and cables) + telephony to chose from.  can
>>you do ADSL modem to ADSL modem connections? over the phone lines...?
>No. ADSL only works via a ADSL modem point to point to the Telstra Exchange.
>It is then routed via Frame Relay or ATM through to the ISP of your choice.
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Dr Paul van den Bergen
SERC, RMIT University
paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
+613 9925 1624 phone
+613 9925 5699 fax
goofey: bulwynkl

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