[MLB-WIRELESS] Networking for the installfest

Andrew Griffiths andrewg at d2.net.au
Thu Nov 14 14:35:03 EST 2002

Hi all,

For the network at the installfest, this is the general plan (though 
subject to change).

- We will be bridging the wired and wireless networks together.

- For the clients, we will be using DHCP.

- The network range at the moment is 172.16/23 (expanded format is netmask of, I suspect with a DHCP 
lease time of 2.5 hours this should be plenty), people needing static IP 
addresses are asked to email off-list, and I'll give you one for use on 
the day.

   - I noticed on the luv site that vendors and that where there before, 
did they want/need network access?

- Can I get general list of which server will be providing what, as we 
can make this easily known so people know where to look.

   - Do we have a server where people can upload isos and so on, for 
those bringing stuff for primarily swapping with a single person but 
maybe useful for more, (for example, the *BSD's)

- How many switches are needed and who can bring them? I've already got 
two 8port 100/10 switches for the day, but there might need to be more.

Well, thats about it, I think

Andrew Griffiths

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