[MLB-WIRELESS] Floppy Based Router

Doug Young dougy at brizzie.org
Mon Nov 4 09:19:53 EST 2002

> Howdy all. I have been looking at "leaf" (http://leaf.sourceforge.net) and
> "LRP" (  ) to try and find a basic kit to make a floppy based
> router/wireless host - closest I can find is "oxygen". But there is
> definitive..
> My requirements:
> *  IPChains or IPTables
> *  IPsec (if possible) or PPTPD (poptop)
> *  Orinicco_PLX modules
> *  SIS900 drivers
> Under unix this is a very simple config - and most of it is kernel based..
> so *should* be easy to do?!?!?!?
> The documents are all there - but it is such a hotch-potch mess... I can't
> make heads or tails of them..
> I am happy to run up a Debian or Redhat box, download kernel sources and
> build my own platform - but I can't even find the kernel sources that will
> do the job... this is just SO frustrating.
> Anyway - I post it to y'all... Has anyone had any experience in building
> these things and if so, do they have an image that will do the above? Or
> you at least point me in the right direction..
> *sigh* and linux-guru's wonder why users think unix is so confusing....
> *sigh* I hate micro$oft - but at least they write structured manuals!

I'm certain the authors of most unix docs don't intend them to be logical
...... same reason why medicos / lawyers / priests talk in martian or
whatever it is :)

Have you looked at 'picoBSD' ..... that is a floppy based firewall has
slightly better docs than most of the linux variants I've seen & IPFW rules
at least follow a halfway intelligible format. If you accept the arguments
postulated by the OpenBSD tribe & believe that its the ultimate (I don't),
you may like emBSD. Whilst it doesn't fit on a floppy, it is essentially a
cut-down OpenBSD.

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