Clae clae at tpg.com.au
Mon May 20 09:15:00 EST 2002

To provide a focus for all the legal debate, and maybe shift the bulk 
of it off the mailing list, I have proposed a new working group, 
WGLaw.  I would suggest anyone with a burning interest in these 
issues, and a desire to help work towards clarification, could join 
up by adding their names to the proposal at 
http://wireless.org.au/wiki/WorkingGroups .

The page itself, a bit bare at the moment, can be found at 
http://www.wireless.org.au/wiki/?WGLaw .


To ensure that the activities of the Melbwireless group, and any 
permanent association that grows out of it, comply fully with the law 
of the land. To investigate and clarify all areas of law affecting 
our activities. To publish our legal status, and the legal status of 
networking activities, to the membership.

This page can serve as a collection point for issues that need 
clarifying, links to the relevant laws, and any opinions, advice, and 
rulings that we receive.


=-=-=-=-= CHANGE OF ADDRESS =-=-=-=-=
         clae13 at yahoo.com        is no more
          clae at tpg.com.au        is where it's at

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