[MLB-WIRELESS] ./: Can 802.11 Become A Viable Last-Mile Alternative?

Paul van den Bergen paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
Tue May 14 10:20:50 EST 2002

<removed lots of stuff about uncontrolled 802.11b problems with 2.4GHz 
band swamping.>

just finished reading an article on <damn! forgot!> about this very 
issue.  Article was actually about Ghz lighting which I think has been 
mentioned before. Conclusion was not good, except that 802.11a in the 
5GHz range seems to offer some salvation.  got the impression that is 
was unlicenced for comms. apps., where as 2.4 GHz allows part 15 
(transmitting and recieving) and Part 18 (transmitting only) devices.

so I envisions a time in the future where we will be upgrading our 
network to 802.11a....

Dr Paul van den Bergen
paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
+613 9925 1624 (Phone)
+613 9925 5699 (Fax)

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