[MLB-WIRELESS] Payments? Try B-Pay.

Matt Pearce mattpearce at optushome.com.au
Sun May 12 13:50:23 EST 2002

If the banks charge $1 or so per transaction you would simply add that on to
the price of the card.  We as a group need to start making things a little
easier for the people who put in a lot of hard work organizing them other
wise you will find in a very short period of time your supply lines will be
cut because people just dont want the hassle even though they really do want
to help.

My personal opinion for the B-Pay system is to have a token membership fee
for Melbourne Wireless and issue a card which has a number on it.  You put
that number into the system as your customer reference number.  This would
make it far easier for traking payments and in my opinion very easy for most
(there is always someone that has a problem with something but that is life)
people to pay the money as well.

Thats my 0.02 cents.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin" <littlejuz at optusnet.com.au>
To: <melbwireless at wireless.org.au>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 1:24 PM
Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] Payments? Try B-Pay.

> Just checked out the bpay web site, www.bpay.com.au and this is what they
> said about fees:
> " What does BPAY cost?
> Participation in BPAY is on a normal commercial and competitive basis.
> Similar to existing competition for your transaction banking and
> business, each financial institution will compete with various
> configurations. Talk to your financial institution."
>  So, the banks most likey charges you. And who has heard of a bank that
> not charge fees?
> Regards,
> Gaz.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au
> [mailto:owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au]On Behalf Of Justin
> Sent: Sunday, 12 May 2002 12:28 PM
> To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
> Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] Payments? Try B-Pay.
> I recall there was a charge for B pay years ago, which is why I didn't use
> it then. Once the fee went, I started to use it. If it is fee free then it
> would be a great idea. However, does that mean we have to be some sort of
> 'official' group to register?
> Regards,
> Gaz.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au
> [mailto:owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au]On Behalf Of Andy Freeman
> Sent: Saturday, 11 May 2002 11:09 PM
> To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
> Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] Payments? Try B-Pay.
> I have had auctions paid for with B-Pay, so that would make me a
> merchant and I've not seen a fee yet.
> Not quite sure what the incentive is for the banks to push b-pay?!?!?
> The excess transaction charge is the only charge I have seen but it is a
> whole lot better than a percentage charge on PayPal or PayMate and
> depending on your bank would only range from free to 50c.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au
> [mailto:owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au] On Behalf Of Robert Tchia
> Sent: Saturday, 11 May 2002 10:50 PM
> To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
> Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] Payments? Try B-Pay.
> I agree B-Pay would be one of the best option, but don't know if you can
> use B-pay over the counter at the bank. I have been using B-Pay to pay
> all my bills (that can be paid by B-Pay) online for nearly 2 years now
> and never had any issue. I haven't had any fee charge to me for using
> B-Pay but then again the bank do charge a fee for any transections on my
> account.
> Does anyone know if the merchant get charge for using B-Pay ??
> Cheers
> Rob
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au [mailto:owner-
> > melbwireless at wireless.org.au] On Behalf Of Andy Freeman
> > Sent: Saturday, 11 May 2002 10:33 PM
> > To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
> > Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] Payments? Try B-Pay.
> >
> >
> > My bank account accepts B-Pay (the B-Pay number appears on my
> statement)
> > and this would have to be the most convenient, cheap method of
> payment.
> >
> > You can B-pay at a post office, post agency, bank or on-line through
> > internet banking and as far as I can tell there are NO FEES.
> >
> > I've only used it a couple of times but I'm yet to see a fee on a
> > statement.
> >
> > My cynical side thinks that the "new" post pay is not unlike the Bank
> > Card /
> > Visa Card deal where the banks couldn't charge a service fee on Bank
> > Card so they quickly killed it off and encouraged everyone to use
> > Visa/Mastercard.  I have a friend who still has a Bankcard and the
> fees
> > are still non-existent.
> >
> >
> > andy
> >
> >
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