[MLB-WIRELESS] Applications on the melb-wireless network

Ben Anderson a_neb at optushome.com.au
Wed Mar 20 23:01:44 EST 2002

> >
> > > >wireless at 2.4GHz falls into a convenient hole right now (especially
> > > >if we don't offer Internet connectivity), but if it takes off at all
> > > >seriously, the telcos will strongarm the government into ensuring
> > > >their markets are not eroded.
> Or the government will take a look and see how the bandwidth problems in
> bush can be solved by wireless to get the country voters back onside.
> Groups like this one will be applauded by those in remote areas.  We may
> Internet connectivity by default *and* with government approval.
> I think some people on this list don't appreciate the importance of what
> going on here.  The more telcos and others etc object to what we are doing
> means we are on the right track and we should proceed to infinity and
> beyond!

Not necessarily..  If we roll out a 'last mile' solution that they can plug
into to sell their 'real value' services to lots of customers, then they're
likely to make a lot more profit for a whole lot less outlay.  Selling ip
phones, video on demand (if there's enough bandwidth), and internet
connectivity into the mesh is likely to make them more money than they're
currently making (or losing, as the case may be) on rolling out broadband.

> There is a positive in everything

And it might be a positive for everyone.  More connectivity is rarely bad
for anyone.


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