[MLB-WIRELESS] Politis ad nauseum

Andrew Blight ablight at alphalink.com.au
Tue Mar 19 09:46:48 EST 2002

Hello All,
can you stop the political and semantic ravings please - if people WANT
to set up a committee, then organise a proposal to put to a meeting -
its called democracy (at least in its idealised form). If people WANT to
address technical issues, then do the work, come up with a proposal and
put it to a meeting.

Of all the discussion I have read here, most of it deserves
consideration from the people who WANT to become involved in this sort
of thing, well just DO IT - stop engaging in endless flame wars - how
much time and bandwidth goes into this , rather than actually DOING

The "Leaders" (or whatever you want to call them) who got Melb.wireless
this far have provided the forum for all this discussion to take place -
whats happening to the network - do you really want the people who have
set this all up, individually and collectively, to get so pissed off at
being told how wrong they are that they drop out - idle debate rarely
gets anything done - its the people who dont talk that do the work!

This message was prompted by a recent message that started with "At
last, a technical discussion"


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