[MLB-WIRELESS] Mailing list Vs Forum?

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Sat Jun 29 18:58:26 EST 2002

At 10:36 AM 29/06/2002 +0200, you wrote:

>As a passive follower of this list I certainly hope you DON'T go this
>way.  Interactive content (ie via the web) is _much_ slower than using


>If you are having problems with the low traffic on this list, perhaps
>you need to change the software you are using.
>Just to give you an idea, I'm subscribed to over 30 different mailing
>lists and receive over 1000 messages daily.  To solve this problem I
>"pipe" my mailing lists into a private news server and treat the
>mailing lists as news groups.  This way I don't fill up my "INBOX"
>and if I don't have time to follow a thread or mailing list, I just do
>a "catchup" and the news reader treats all messages as read.

I have an email load that varied between 500 and 1000 emails a day, from a 
similar number of lists.  I don't use news servers, just the inbuilt 
filtering capabilities of Eudora to sort them into separate folders.  Your 
idea of using a news server is an interesting one, and I wouldn't mind more 
info on it, as it's not unlike the system I used to use with the old 
Fidonet gateway software.

>The other advantage is that I can configure the period that the
>messages are stored on the news server, after this they are deleted
>Many people have a similar setup.  Perhaps there is a need to have an
>online archive of the mailing list contents (not sure if it exists),
>but don't change the way this list currently works.

I agree, and can you please pass on more information about the private news 
server idea.

73 de Tony, VK3JED

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