[MLB-WIRELESS] (Squid Proxy) Paths clearing for wireless netw orks

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Tue Jun 18 12:26:02 EST 2002

> I would believe that the AUP would infer that aslong as it 
> was part of the
> customers immediate LAN that was requesting the data it doesn't matter
> where else it goes from there. As such a direct squid proxy would be
> disallowed as external (read: wireless ) clients could 
> request any data
> they wanted. Where as the squid proxy cached only would be the same as
> burning stuff to a cd and walking next door. The difference 
> being "no extra
> burden from 3rd parties" onto the ISP's network between the original
> customer and the ISP.
> I'm not a solicitor but I would think that would be a reasonable
> interperation of the AUP.\


> The only holes I can see with this would be.
> 1. Automated "web reaper" type clients that would cache 
> popular sites with
> the express purpose of making it available to 3rd party (wireless)
> networks.

An alternative strategy - a web cache such as WWWOFFLE set to offline mode.
Those on attached networks can make requests, but nothing happens until the
LAN owner initiates the requests...  Of course, anything cached would be
immediately available.

> 2. Delayed download requests. ie. latest linux iso's? But 
> wouldn't this
> come under the "guy next door asked me to burn this for him 
> after I said I
> had downloaded it" type arrangment. Some people might have 
> some of these
> dsl peak/offpeak deals. Which which they could get data at 
> times in which
> they don't normally use it for squid caching etc.

Bit like the WWWOFFLE case. :)

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