[MLB-WIRELESS] Microtik 200mW Wireless cards for $125USD

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Tue Jul 16 13:27:14 EST 2002

> Well said Michael.... most of these 'dodgy' branded high 
> output cards all
> seem to have very average rx sensitivity, which completely defeats the
> purpose.
> The best way to get better range/performance is to work on 
> your antenna's
> and feeds which will yield benefits in both directions!

Hehe, you haven't been reading amateur books, have you?  "Concentrate on
your antenna" :-)

> Considering you can get the cisco 352's (100mW and kickass rx 
> sens.) for
> just under AUD $300 locally, why bother with these types of cards...

Now, this is a much better prospect for an AP.  The extra power is useful,
when combined with the extra Rx sensitivity.  I'd certainly be going for a
Cisco, if I needed the better RF performance for whatever reason.

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