[MLB-WIRELESS] Wiki + Visual Documentation Project

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Tue Jan 22 14:22:22 EST 2002

OK, cool.  It's interesting checking out the pages of people who have
visited. :-)   Maybe I might create a people page (this could get addictive
:) ).

Tony Langdon
Systems Development and Support
ATC Training Australasia.  Level 1 310 King St Melbourne 3000.
Phone:  1300 13 1983   WWW:  http://www.atctraining.com.au

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Arnold [mailto:arnold at dstc.monash.edu.au]
> Sent: Tuesday, 22 January 2002 13:19
> To: melbwireless at melbwireless.dyndns.org
> Subject: Re: [MLB-WIRELESS] Wiki + Visual Documentation Project 
> -->"Tony" == Tony Langdon <tlangdon at atctraining.com.au> writes:
>   >> Well, a wiki looks like fun.  Just having a play with the new
>   >> melbwireless one.  I've got my little page up there now. :-)
>   Tony> Only reservation I have (besides the usual limitations of web
>   Tony> based forums) is that I looked in the recently changed pages
>   Tony> and saw a heap of useful pages that there seems to be no easy
>   Tony> way to browse.  That is going to be a real pain - search is
>   Tony> useless when you're browsing. :)
> sooner or later (i notice the front page has been restructured once
> already), people begin to add structure to the pages, which helps to
> overcome this problem.
> over time, i imagine we'll get beginners-oriented indexes, and
> technology-oriented indexes and so on.
> d
> --
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