Andrew Harcourt gfg687472609 at geckomail.org
Mon Jan 21 00:56:58 EST 2002


> Has anyone played with Nokia WLAN equipment? Can I have
> some thoughts and opinions on the gear?

I have an A020; it seems to work pretty well. Has no problems
inter-operating with other manufacturers' hardware (not that you'd expect it
would, but it's nice to know for certain).

Be aware that the A020 itself only ships with a 2Mbps (802.11 original)
card, and you'll need to source an 802.11b upgrade from elsewhere as Nokia
don't stock them in Australia. The 802.11b upgrade card is based on the
Prism II chipset, so you might be able to use a D-Link or another card that
uses the same chipset in the thing. I haven't tried this yet, but it's on my
list of things to do.

The C021 card it ships with has an external antenna connector, although it's
a European style one that has the thread running in the opposite direction
(i.e. you turn anti-clockwise to connect your antenna).

No WEP, not that we want it... Has a DHCP server, again, not that you'd
really want it for this kind of application. Supports bridging, which is
important. WRT range: I get about 60m down my street (through a concrete
wall) using just the standard extension antenna. Will be building some
external ones shortly with a few others and will post info to the list when
we have some more information.

If you have any more specific questions, please yell.


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