[MLB-WIRELESS] [Syd-Wireless] Fwd: bulk order for Cabletron CSIBD-AB

evilbunny evilbunny at sydneywireless.com
Tue Apr 30 16:38:27 EST 2002

Yet another bulk order, for all those wanting cards please email, also
while I think this is a genuine offer this is strictly a cash up front
deal, and I cannot, and will not guarantee anything...

eathos at cyberinternet.com.au

DO NOT EMAIL ME, I will be sending you a generic message to email him
as I am not having direct involvement with this, I have nothing to do
with this, other then letting everyone know about it...

There is about 4000 cards I'm told, however this is a different
supplier and the cost is set to about $60/ea + Shipping (About $65/ea
for round figures) if we get 500 orders at a time.

More info at...


I also believe he is after state reps for all states, except QLD and

Best regards,
 evilbunny                            mailto:evilbunny at sydneywireless.com

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