[MLB-WIRELESS] The Incredible Bulk update...

fenn_b at smktech.com.au fenn_b at smktech.com.au
Tue Apr 23 11:14:35 EST 2002

> Watch out for the feature creep on this, fenn has done a great job on 
> this one.
> Lets use it before trying to add more than we may really need.

Ain't feature creep a wonderous thing? ;)

No, I really appreciate all the feedback people have given me.

Latest additions in the last hour (or so):

 - Addition of "My Purchases" page (summary)
 - Bug fix with "Unlimited" quantity offers (no one could order them ;)
 - Bug fix with offer ending dates

I am working with Steven Haigh to get this on the main page soonish.

Thanks to everyone for feedback,



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