[MLB-WIRELESS] [Fwd: Re: multi-card setup]

Drew drew at wireless.org.au
Thu Apr 18 10:04:17 EST 2002

think this is the best idea i've heard this week.... so taking this to 
the extreme... in theory, with 3 non-overlapping channels (1,6,11), you 
could have 66mb/s using 6 cards and 3 antenna.

"I have been thinking about building a pair of "shotgun" waveguide 

There would be two N-connectors in each can.  They would be placed so that
one is oriented horizontally and the other is oriented vertically.  This
design is mentioned in the ARRL handbooks so it should be pretty effective. 
Each N-connector would be connected to a separate card and the cards would
be bonded together via the OS driver.  This should achieve 22mbps (using
only one channel).  If this idea works, it might be a good thing to use on
the SeattleWireless links that carry the most traffic."

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