[MLB-WIRELESS] PCI update v2.0

Paul van den Bergen paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
Tue Apr 16 09:38:18 EST 2002

Card orders are steadily increasing, probability of success around 75%.

Some indication that the nokia cards are based on the same chipset as 
the cabltron/lucent/compaq cradles.  mixed success with several OS's, 
including linux and XP have been reported to me.  Once again, no 
guarentees implied.

questions have been asked about the cost of the cards.  I am still not 
sure, though $60 has been mentioned and around $1 for postage and 
insurance.  but don't hold me to that...  I will consult if the price 
rises dramatically.

check your names (changes recieved to date included).

#cards    Name            Email
2    Brendon Colding        bcodling at jhd.com.au
1    Paul van den Bergen     paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
2    Will Lanigan        chooken at m00t.cjb.net
2    Jason Hecker        jason at air.net.au
2    Ben Grech        vow at optushome.com.au
2    Steven De-Coi        sdecoi at bigpond.net.au
2    Andy Freeman        andy at kawasaki.nz
2    Chris Lineker        redback at xis.com.au
1    Bradley Ford        bradtford at hotmail.com
10+    Mikel Pretty        mpretty at sunitafe.edu.au
2    Fenn Bailey        fenn_b at pacific.net.au
4    Carl Johnston        cjohnston at biziworks.com.au
2    Denis Dowling        dpd at alphalink.com.au
2    Robert Foster        rfoster at mountainvisions.com.au
2    rick            mibz at optushome.com.au
1    Roger Venning        r.venning at telstra.com
2    Mark Chung        markus at asiagroove.com

41+    total

Dr Paul van den Bergen
paul at serc.rmit.edu.au
+613 9925 1624 (RMIT)
+613 9905 4654 (Monash-less often)

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