[MLB-WIRELESS] another question :/

Victor Rajewski vik at yoyo.its.monash.edu.au
Wed Apr 10 14:24:24 EST 2002

> Note: Use -AA for Americas, -AB for Europe/Asia-Pacific, -AF for France, -AJ
> for Japan
> if i have a AB card, and i buy a AA card, can they talk to eachother?

As far as I can tell from the website, this would be the number of
selectable sub-channels.

I am guessing they could still talk to each other, just on  whatever
channels are common between the regions. but if there are no common
channels, prolly not. Best to ask enterasys.

from the website:

Number of Selectable Sub-Channels Subject to Local Regulations:
      United States (FCC):    11
      France (FR):            4
      Japan (JP):             1
      Other Countries (ETSI): 13


PGP: <http://www.progsoc.org/~vik/pgp.txt>

There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad.

Salvador Dali

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