[MLB-WIRELESS] bulk buy

David Arnold arnold at dstc.monash.edu.au
Tue Nov 6 18:30:51 EST 2001

-->"Danny" == magrathea  <magrathea at subdimension.com> writes:

  Danny> The damn charges dont look like they even relate to the
  Danny> products price.. I think they just make it up. Not happy.

the customs web site has a huge database, which you can use to look up
the magic numbers for a particular item, and that will tell you what
the excise rate is.  but if ...

400  -> 100
500  -> 100
1000 -> 200

i was counting on paying roughly 20% in excise & GST, which looks
roughly ok.

at A$120 for the Yahoo cards, or A$160 for several different models at
buy.com, plus approx A$10 for shipping per card, they still end up at
roughly A$160 or A$210 each, which is better than most deals available

  Danny> Problem with putting "commercial value: $1" Is that the
  Danny> insurance will only cover you for $1. 

or you get done if they inspect it cause it looks interesting on the
xray, and you get a fine as well as the normal charges :-(


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