[MLB-WIRELESS] propaganda squad

Glen Brunning brunningchild at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 21 11:08:48 EST 2001

Frank Wrote
"Well At the moment, shools are paying for internet access (mainly from
schoolsnet), the service is slowish and based around ISDN (costly).
Wireless is faster, cheaper and let face it, what the school is paying
for access now, may be put to better use, possibly lowering of school
fees (yeh right !)"

This maybe the case with some schools, but a few schools I know which I
used to work
for have managed to convince the education department that they are
special, and
this is the growing case in all schools now is that they are all
specail, why
cause they are still open for business.  The education department
installs and
suppiles cable internet services through their Vic Network.  

Something else which I have heard recently as a rumor so far, but for a
rumor there
is a lot happening around it to make you think otherwise is, that in the
near to distance
future schools in Victoria mostly CBD and outer suburb schools will all
be linked to 
each other of wireless networks anyway.

So my advice if you want that like niche of the market ask your local
primary, secondary,
college or tafe if this is true and maybe you can get in on it from the
bottom.  Who knows
where it might lead you... :)

my two cents

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