<p>hello everybody,<br><br>i've decided to give my voip QoS another shot; atm its currently working*, though its far from perfect and i think there's potential of getting it much better.<br><br>currently im using an alcatel 510 (alcatel-home firmware upgraded, with sip port opened) connected to an asus wl-500gp with tomato v1.17 firmware and shared with 7 people, both wired and non-wired.<br>
i also have attached a wired sipura 3102 ATA.<br><br>im with tpg adsl2 internet and i sync at 7mbps-down/.9mbps-up. i've capped my speeds to 5.6mbps-down/724kbps-up respectively (or 80% of each).<br>i use pennytel as my vsp. <br>
<br>i make calls through my wired connection to the router and also through my ata. on my ata i use the g729 codec and on my pc i use g711.<br><br>atm i'm using l7, port classification and mac prioritisation (for the ata) in my QoS setup. please see <a href="http://www.geocities.com/cyanidespillromania/images/tomatoqos.jpg" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.geocities.com/cyanid...es/tomatoqos.jpg<img height="6" alt="" src="http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/im/extlink.gif" width="6" align="top" vspace="2" border="0"></a> for details<br>
<br>in terms of the problem itself, i think its probably packet loss- as the other end seems to complain of 'drop-outs' or that they can't hear me sometimes. echo is a peripheral issue but still worthy of mention, as some people don't like it.<br>
<br>what irritates me most is that, though i seldom max-out (particularly when i call out- i monitor it!) my connection, my voip calls still seem to get disturbed by other traffic on the router, even when the router has no other concurrent traffic (which voids the idea that greater bandwidth alleviates quality issues). <br>
<br>seeing as i have a bandwidth surplus, is it possible to permanently allocate bandwidth to voip services- have bandwidth exclusively set aside and untouchable by other services?<br><br>any insights appreciated !<br><br>
thank you<br><br>rohan</p>