"The Space Cube is the world's smallest personal computer. The
unbelievably minuscule cube (2 x 2 x 2.2 inch case) packs 300 MHz CPU
and 64 MB of SDRAM. The Space Cube offers a healthy number of ports,
including USB, Ethernet, flash memory, monitor port, Space wire, serial
connection, and microphone. This micro PC runs on a Linux named Atom
Linux. Shimafuji, the manufacturer of the Space Cube, has
recently released the SEMC5701A, which is slightly smaller than its
predecessor. The Japanese have assembled a personal computer that fits
in your pocket.
"<br><br><span name="intelliTxt" id="intelliTxt">Shimafuji SEMC5701
Dimensions:<span name="intelliTxt" id="intelliTxt"></span><span name="intelliTxt" id="intelliTxt"> 2.05 x 2.05 x 1.77 inches (52 x 52 x 48mm)<br>CPU: NEC Vr5701, clocked at 266MHz or 333MHz<br>Flash: 16MB of Flash<br>RAM: 64MB of RAM
<br>Ports: 10/100 Ethernet, USB, D-sub RS232, JTAG, SpaceWire<br>Storage: CompactFlash<br>Audio: AC'97 audio<br>Video: D-sub 15-pin connector. Supports VGA (640 x 480), XGA
(800 x 600), and SXGA (1024 x 768) resolutions<br>Other: RV5C348B RTC, DIP switch for toggling "Endian-ness."<br>Power/Operating: 5V DC, 0 - 35 degrees Celsius</span><br><br>Information:<br><a href="http://www.epicempire.com/computers/space-cube.html">
http://www.epicempire.com/computers/space-cube.html</a><br><a href="http://www.neowin.net/index.php?act=view&id=33076">http://www.neowin.net/index.php?act=view&id=33076</a><br><a href="http://www.shimafuji.co.jp/product/semc5701a01.html">
http://www.shimafuji.co.jp/product/semc5701a01.html</a><br><a href="http://www.shimafuji.co.jp/product/spacecube01.html">http://www.shimafuji.co.jp/product/spacecube01.html</a><br><br>Pics:<br><a href="http://www.neowin.net/staff/voidunknown/space_cube.jpg">
http://www.neowin.net/staff/voidunknown/space_cube.jpg</a><br><a href="http://www.neowin.net/staff/voidunknown/space_board.jpg">http://www.neowin.net/staff/voidunknown/space_board.jpg</a><br><a href="http://www.neowin.net/staff/voidunknown/space_colors.jpg">
http://www.neowin.net/staff/voidunknown/space_colors.jpg</a><br><br>My Synopsis:<br>Depending on the cost, this could make a very nice basic servers to complement our OpenWRT
linux routers, especially in remote installations where space may be limited. It should be used as a Web Server, Mail Server, DHCP Server, DNS Server, RADIUS Server, Login Server (ie: Node_AAA) or Content Filtering Server, etc
<br><br>If Disk Space were an issue, you could install a 4GB CompactFlash hard drive, or an external USB hard drive<br><br>Simon<br>NodeIRC.<br>