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<b>0556 - cdd "Nose High" 8/14/02</b><br>
Pastor Bill<br>
<font size=1><span style="font-size:8pt">Aug 14, 2002</span></font><br>
<font face="arial,helvetica" size=2>CyberDailyDevotion™
<br> Tuesday August 14, 2002
<br> Today's Topic: "Nose High"
<br> Volume 3 Number 127
<br>“DollarBill” participants AGIS from Virginia Beach, Virginia have generously
contributed to support today’s cdd. Thank you – PTL! pb
<br>Submit a cdd like Mary Hultgren did today. All the information you need to
know is at <a
<br>Reservations are now being taken for the 2nd annual
ChristianCyberMinistries Golf Tournament Thursday September 12, 2002 at Legends
Golf Club in Prior Lake, Minnesota - Contact
PastorBill@ChristianCyberMinistries.org for tee time.
<br> Scripture: Psalm 11:1b
<br> "Fly to the mountains for safety!
<br> "Nose High" written by Mary Hultgren from Maple Grove, Minnesota USA
<br>On the instrument panel of an airplane there is a prominent indicator. It
is called the "attitude indicator." In flying, the attitude of an aircraft is
the position of the aircraft in relation to the horizon. When the airplane is
climbing, it has a nose-high attitude because it is climbing above the horizon.
When the aircraft is diving you would call that a nose-down attitude. The
attitude of an airplane indicates its performance. It is necessary to change
attitude in order to change performance.
<br>Just as a pilot I can choose the nose-high or nose-down attitude in my
Christian walk. I can choose to nose-high above the horizon and storms of
relationships and circumstances or I can nose-down and be caught in the
<br>How I choose to THINK about a situation will determine my attitude. My
positive Christian attitude can take me ABOVE the storms of life or my negative
attitude can dive me right into the kind of storms that can destroy me. When I
grab hold of the controls in prayer I choose a nose-high attitude. I don't
allow circumstances to keep me in turmoil and captive to the storms of life.
<br>I do well to keep my eyes on my attitude indicator for it will reveal my
true Christianity. Not only will my attitudes affect me but they will take
everyone in my plane up or down with me! Attitudes are contagious! My friends
"see and hear them", my children "learn" them and ultimately they will determine
their destiny.
<br>Prayer: Father, give me the strength to maintain a nose-high attitude at all
times. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
<br> Pb 3 Team - prayer:
<br> Father please bring 1. ___________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________ into
your kingdom. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
<br> OBL Watch: Day 332
<br> ©2002 All rights reserved
<br> Pastor Bill
<br> Jehovah Adon Kal Ha’arets – The Lord of All the Earth (Joshua 3:13)
<br>"DollarBill" participants make checks to "ccm" and send to P.O. Box 50863,
Mendota, MN 55150
<br> Or use PAYPAL at <a
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