[MLB-WIRELESS] World Wifi record

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at vkradio.com
Wed Dec 28 19:52:04 EST 2011

At 10:30 PM 12/27/2011, Peter Berrett wrote:

>The strategy would be as follows
>1. Use an established MW node such as GHO North as one end of the link.

The problem with GHO is it's in an RF dense noisy area, which will 
reduce the potential range.

>2. Go about 400 km+ in the direction the node antenna is pointing 
>and erect a node and directional antenna, perhaps solar powered, 
>with a small computer and high gain antenna pointing at the MW node. 
>Perhaps our friends at the Adelaide wireless group could set up a 
>node in their group pointing at us?
>3. Monitor 2.4 ghz beacons and when there is some tropospheric 
>ducting try the link. Or better still just automate things so that 
>when the station is heard it automatically tries to transfer a video 
>from one end of the link to the other.

http://www.dxinfocentre.com/tropo_aus.html  <-- a useful resource for 
identifying the probability of an opening.  Introducing the "Hepburn 
Index" for VHF/UHF tropospheric propagation.

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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