[MLB-WIRELESS] Server Virtualisation - (was RE: possible vpn

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at vkradio.com
Wed Mar 17 13:30:07 EST 2010

At 12:55 PM 3/17/2010, mw at freenet.net.au wrote:
> > up.  My theory is the passing traffic disrupted the signal with
> > constantly changing reflections.  Links more than 1km to the south
> > will have similar issues with both railway and freeway.  Unless
>That's surprising, but I wouldn't rule it out as a contributing factor.

Well, the gear was working fine otherwise.  We had managed links of 
various lengths up to 20km with the same gear, and viable connections 
down to below -90dBm.

>If it's the mikrotik 450G, then it will handle OVPN just fine - cheers!

That would make things easier for me! :)

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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