[MLB-WIRELESS] DuxMaster gateway (was Re: BarCampMelbourne: Getting internet access for a weekend)

Ben Balbo ben at benbalbo.com
Wed Jul 1 12:07:11 EST 2009

> Just means that if there's anyone else nearby who picks up the network
> not involved with your group, won't hijack off the connection and use
> and abuse it.

We'd be using a pre-shared key for authentication to wireless, so this
isn't a huge issue for me, but on a related note, I don't want
authorised people abusing the system too.

Is it possible to configure this system to not throttle anyone unless
the connection comes close to saturation, and then throttle people to
equal portions of available capacity? If so, can specific machines (by
MAC or IP addresses) be excluded from throttling?

Perhaps this could be trivially achieved through QoS on the WRT though,
and I'm just looking for excuses to use the DuxMaster ;)


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