[MLB-WIRELESS] Tasmanian wireless link using omnidirectionals

Ben Coates bennycftw at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 12:28:44 EST 2008

Hey everyone, 


Just dropping in from Tasmania. Our local wireless group Starnet has been
dead for 3 years as you may know. Me and some friends have founded ZurekNet
to fill in there space we have already got one wireless link operational
with my friend about a K away using some ancient Aironet 4mbps Wireless
Bridges and 2x microwave antennas.(ex austar) (Planning to upgrade to
WRT54G's soon)


At the moment we are trying to complete our second link with a distance of
3km. At my end we will be using a microwave directional antenna, at the
other end we would like to use a omni directional so other people can
connect there. (My friend is on a hill giving us good coverage over many
suburbs). We have found two different designs for homemade omnis on net





With clear line of sight what would be the capabilities of these antennas
using WRT54G's?


Thanks, Ben

Ben Coates
ZurekNet Network Controller
ZurekTeam Co-Founder

Contact Details:
Mobile: 0448165191
Email: bennycftw at gmail.com
School: ben.coates.00 at tased.edu.au
MSN: commanderbenny at msn.com
Skype: ben.coates
Website: http://www.zurekgaming.com


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