[MLB-WIRELESS] Moving R100s to Kamikaze

Bryan Pliatsios bryan at pliatsios.com
Fri Jul 18 09:13:55 EST 2008

Hi guys,
  thought it was about time to move to kamikaze.

The R100s (WL500g) seem to have been left behind:

"Note: beginning with SVN revision 10137 (and up to current rev10996), a 
new version of the broadcom-wl driver and utils was 
integrated, which unfortunately does not seem to support the WLAN module 
in the WL-500g any longer. Unfortunately, the changes lie within binary 
code, so probably the only way is to get the old version 
ported forward."

Who's running Kamikaze on this hardware and what do I need to do to make 
it happen?


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