[MLB-WIRELESS] telstra hotspots

emdeex emdeex at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 09:33:56 EST 2007

AFAIK, you can still access telstra free wifi in most domestic airports.

On 9/5/07, Dean Collins <Dean at cognation.net> wrote:
>  Yes even though I'm here in the USA I still keep in touch with what's
> happening in Australia.
> I was listening to www.bran.com.au this morning (great podcast), where
> they were talking about Telstra dropping their $20 all you can eat wifi
> access point plan next month.
> Basically Telstra are trying to 'push' data users to their Next-G phone
> data network, so from now on if you are looking to log onto wifi from your
> local McDonalds or similar the new charges are 20c connection fee and 20c
> per minute thereafter!!!!
> Holy crap at that price I'd be wanting unlimited fiber to the backbone.
> Regards,
> Dean Collins
> Cognation Pty Ltd
> dean at cognation.net
> +1-212-203-4357 Ph
> +61-2-9016-5642 (Sydney in-dial).
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