[MLB-WIRELESS] 12 Volt DC Converter

Mike Dickens michaeldickens at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 12:24:53 EST 2007

Just so you all know, MSY (www.msy.com.au) are selling ASUS wl550ge
units for $75. They're basically the same as the loved WL500g/R100,
but with improved receive sensitivity (I believe). I picked up a
couple the other day (I got lucky, he accidentally put them through as
WL520s.. $60 :)).

Oh, and the internals do have USB, you just have to get some resistors
and do a bit of DIY (From OpenWRT site: "The WL-550gE has two internal
USB ports. You simply need to solder cables to GND, D+, D-, VCC. You
also need to add one 15kOhm resistor between D+ and GND, and a second
15kOhm resistor between D- and GND. After installing usbcore,
usb-ohci, scsi_mod, sd_mod, usb-storage and filesystem modules, you
can access the memory stick.")

I can confirm it runs OpenWRT and dd-wrt, not hard to flash either
(first time for me, got it first go :) - suggest you use the OpenWRT
instructions, then just flash to whatever from that)

On Nov 22, 2007 10:53 AM, Kim Hawtin <kim.hawtin at adelaide.edu.au> wrote:
> gregsonm at aanet.com.au wrote:
> > I want to run an Asus 500g premium Access Point from a 12 volt DC supply.
> > So I am looking for a voltage converter that can convert from 12 volts DC
> > to 5 volts DC 2.3 amps. If anyone has any ideas or knows of products that
> > are available please let me know.
> this is probably the easiest switch mode regulator you can build =)
>   http://www.air-stream.org.au/LM2576
> theres some useful discussion in the comments too ;)
> cheers,
> kim
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