[MLB-WIRELESS] Proxim AP2000's?

David Ashburner d_ashburner at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 9 07:53:22 EST 2007

On Mar 8, 2007, at 2:50 AM, Mark Aitken wrote:

> Hello,
> Some time ago a number of Proxim Orinico AP2000's appeared of which I
> managed to get one.  I seem to remember some rumblings about hacking
> firmware etc for these, or at least someone thinking about it???
I had a look at it but decided it wasn't worth the effort. It uses the 
Intel SA110 processor and porting for something that old was 

> Did anything ever become of that?
What I found was that you could use it nicely as a node if you cascaded 
it from an existing node ( that used a router where you could configure 
stuff ).


> I also see a v2.5.4 firmware on a google searce,  I updated to 2.5.3, 
> is
> it advisable to try this?

No. John posted the following a while back.

>> From Proxim website:
>> Tech Bulletin Issue with Release 2.5.4
>> Do not install release 2.5.4 on any AP-600b or AP-2000 with 11b radio 
>> cards.
>> Introduction
>> First, we apologies for the inconvenience this condition may have 
>> caused and want to assure you that we will do everything we can to 
>> correct this condition in a rapid manner.
>> We have discovered a situation where an AP-600b or an AP-2000 with 
>> the 11b radio card using version 2.5.4  might cause a failure 
>> condition. If you have this condition with these products and are 
>> using release 2.5.4, please click here to Ask a Question or Open an 
>> Incident.
>> Next Steps
>> If you have an AP-600b with release v2.5.4 and are having trouble
>> Please proceed to the Ask a Question or Open an Incident page since 
>> further assistance is required
>> If you have an AP2000 with 11b radio card using release v2.5.4 and 
>> are have trouble
>> You can try to recover the AP2000 by following these steps:
>> Click here to visit the AP-2000 download and documentation page
>> Download release 2.5.3 and proceed to update the AP2000 to this 
>> release
>> Reset the AP2000 to "Factory Default" (link to instructions from the 
>> User Guide)
>> Then re-configure your AP2000
>> Thank you again for your patience and understanding as we work 
>> through this issue. Please contact your Proxim Support Team at for 
>> any further assistnace.

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